Americans spend a significant amount of time in their kitchen, and, as a result, this room is an important place in most households. Most homeowners would choose to renovate their kitchen before any other room and are willing to spend an average of $28,030 on kitchen remodels. When designing your dream kitchen, it's important to pay attention to not only the bigger picture but also to the details. In particular, you'll want to think about the type of cabinet hardware that will fit be able to fit in the best.
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A common problem with garage doors this time of the year is that they can become difficult, if not impossible to open and close properly. The dreaded combination of cold temperatures and ice formation can have a wide range of effects on your garage door—for example, lubricants can harden, seals can stick, and garage door openers can run sluggishly. The following shows how you can take care of these issues and ensure your garage door works flawlessly throughout the winter months.
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Many tiny house enthusiasts buy the smallest, most affordable windows they can find when first constructing their house to save money and time on installation. If you've been living in your new structure for a few years now, you're likely ready to upgrade for more natural light and a better looking home. Spend a little extra to try at least one of these five tricks for dressing up a tiny house with new windows.
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